In consideration of being permitted to participate in any way in the activities of Julie Cyvonne, LLC (“the Activities”) I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge, understand and expressly agree as to the following:
On behalf of myself, my spouse, my minor children, wards, relatives or other persons under my care, my parents, next of kin, my heirs, assigns, agents, personal representatives and estate, I hereby release, indemnify, and hold harmless Julie Cyvonne LLC and their employees, agents, representatives, team members, as well as its owners, principals, employees, agents and representatives, with respect to any and all claims I now have or may have in the future resulting from injury, whether physical, mental, psychological or emotional, or any loss or damage to person or property, of any kind, whether arising from the negligence of Julie Cyvonne LLC to the fullest extent permitted by law.
I understand that there exists a risk of physical, mental, psychological or emotional injury from the Activities, and although compliance with the guidance of Julie Cyvonne LLC may reduce this risk, the risk of such injury nevertheless does exist.
I fully acknowledge that I am voluntarily participating in the Activities with knowledge of the danger involved, and I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of Julie Cyvonne LLC others.
I agree to comply with the stated and customary guidance and norms of participation in the Activities. If, however, I observe any unusual hazard during my presence or participation, I will immediately remove myself from participation in the Activities and bring such to the attention of the nearest official forthwith.
I understand and acknowledge that Julie Cyvonne LLC is not acting in the capacity of physicians, psychologists, or healthcare professionals, and the Activities being offered are NOT intended to treat or diagnose, and does not include treatment for or diagnosis of, any illnesses, disease or disorders, whether physical, mental, psychological or emotional.
I represent and certify that I am in good health physically, mentally, psychologically and emotionally, and fully understand and acknowledge that if I were not in such good health, I would not be permitted to partake in the Activities. As such, my representation and certification that I am in good health in each of the above-enumerated ways constitutes a material term upon which Julie Cyvonne LLC is relying in permitting me to partake in the Activities.
Although this Agreement fully and completely releases Julie Cyvonne LLC from any and all liability of any kind and of any nature in any way connected to, arising from, or relating to the Activities at issue, I further acknowledge and agree that to the extent that I violate the plain terms of this Agreement by filing a claim, suit or other action against Julie Cyvonne LLC, any such claim, suit or other action shall be filed solely and exclusively before the American Arbitration Association, as governed by the Commercial Rules of Arbitration, with the initiating party bearing the fees and costs associated with arbitration, and with the prevailing party entitled to recover reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs associated with the arbitration. Any legal or equitable claim that may arise from participation in the above shall be resolved under Iowa law.
- There are no refunds, transfers, or cancellations. By registering for this commitment, you agree to these terms.
To the extent that any portion, clause or aspect of this agreement is found to be invalid, void or unenforceable, all other portions, clauses or aspects of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect.